🎯 Gross Margin vs. Gross Profit: Financial Fraternal Twins 🎯 title: “🧮 Gross Margin vs. Gross Profit: What Are They & Why Should You Care?” description: “An exploration into the bustling world of Gross Margin and Gross Profit, unraveling what these financial terms mean and why they’re critical for businesses. Plus, laugh-out-loud quotes and quizzes to keep you engaged!” keywords: [“Gross Margin”,“Gross Profit”,“Financial Metrics”,“Business Profitability”] categories: [“Accounting Fundamentals”,“Financial Metrics”] tags: [“Gross Margin”,“Gross Profit”] author: “Finasia Funcks” date: “2023-10-11” Definition & Meaning Gross Margin: Gross Margin represents the proportion of money left over from revenues after accounting for the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS).